
March 6, 2014

The Liebster Award


I've been nominated for a Liebster award! While it may not come with a cool prize, it is a super fun opportunity to meet and network with other new-ish bloggers. I was nominated by  Slightly Hippie Housewife of Suburbia. Thanks Jen! In this post, I'll also share my nominations - they're great blogs that I love reading, and I hope you all will love them too! 

  • Link back and thank the blogger who nominated you 
  • Answer their 11 questions in your post
  • Nominate 11 bloggers with fewer than 200 followers on Bloglovin
  • Tag your nominees and comment on one of their posts to let them know

My answers to Jen's questions:

1. What is your favorite book and why?
I love anything fantasy/supernatural/magicy, and I really 
love historical fiction. I read too much to have a favorite!

2. What was the last movie you saw in theater?
       I cant remember! I usually go to our local drive-in   
       theater because it’s $8 for two movies. The last two I 
       saw were American Hustle and Jack Ryan.

3. What was the best meal you ever had?

A $27 bowl of seafood pasta at this cute little Italian place that was followed by an amazing bowl of plum-bordeaux sorbet.

4. What is one thing you like most about yourself?

My crafty talents and my hair. I wish it was longer, but I really love the color. People always ask me what “color” I used, and I get to tell them that it’s all natural.

5. Who is one celebrity you would most like to meet?

Jane Goodall. She’s an inspiration to me not only because of the amazing things she’s accomplished, but because of how much she’s seen in her lifetime! As an avid (but unfortunately broke) traveller, I envy and admire people who have travelled the globe.

6. What is one thing you know now that you wish you'd known when you were 20?

I am currently 20, so I’m not sure what exactly I don’t know yet. ;) I do get a lot of generally great advice from my mom though, so in some ways I’m beyond my years. Probably the best advice I’ve received from her was to date someone I didn’t necessarily expect or see as an obvious choice. So far it’s worked out pretty well!

7. What's your zodiac sign and do you share its traits?

I’m a leo, but to be honest I don’t really follow enough to know if I fit the typical traits. I have a few friends who have told me that I do.

8. Are you a stay up late or get up early person?

       Stay up late, and sleep in.

9. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go?

I’m currently attempting to save up for a big trip to Fiji and New Zealand. I have a massive list of things to do in various countries – I want to see (and do) it all!

10. If you could travel back in time, would you? Where would you go?

Absolutely! I love historical fiction and medeval times, so I’d probably go to renaissance Europe, specifically France and England. And Scotland. I’m currently watching the CW show Mary Queen of Scotts, so I’m a tad obsessed.

11. What is your absolutely favorite thing to do on the weekend?
        Sleep, visit museums, and craft! 

My nominations: 

My questions: 

1. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
2. What has been your all-time favorite project/post?
3. What is your favorite blog to read? 
4. If you had unlimited funds and plenty of time, what would you do? 
5. If you could travel in time, where would you go, and who would you visit? 
6. What's the best advice you've ever received from your mother? 
7. What is the best "mistake" you've ever made?
8. Are you a movies/tv person or a book person? 
9. Do you enjoy the great outdoors, or do you prefer the city?
10. What is your favorite flower/plant?
11. What special food to you like to eat for your birthday? 

I'm looking forward to reading the responses, and I hope that the bloggers I've nominated keep the fun going - happy blogging! 

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  1. Thank you so much for the nomination! Truly honored :) I love your blog and it's so sweet of you to think of me!

    1. No problem! I love getting to know my fellow bloggers, and I'm super excited to share the fun. :)

  2. Thanks Brittany! I'm flattered!

  3. Thank you for the nomination! Really made my Friday :) I'm really flattered!

  4. Thanks for participating! Looking forward to reading more of your stuff! Happy Friday!

    1. Thank you for nominating me! Happy Friday :)

  5. It was so fun to read this and to get to know you. I'm going to have some fun now looking around your blog. Thanks for the nomination. Come check out my Liebster Award post. Have a fantastic weekend.

    1. I'm so glad you decided to participate!! I can't wait to read your answers and check out your nominations! Thanks, and I hope you have a great weekend as well :)

  6. Thanks so much Britanny!! You are the best :)

  7. Just stopping by to say Hi from Janice's Liebster Nominations! I'm a fellow nominee and wanted to say congrats to you too!
    Leelee @ paperbagstyling

    1. Thanks LeeLee! I hope you have fun participating!


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