
March 31, 2014

Infinity Scarf


The 5 minute series - Confessions of a Secret Crafter

Hey guys! As you may have figured out, I'm starting a new DIY series! On the last Monday of every month, I'll be sharing a super easy tutorial designed to make life easier while using materials you probably already have. They may not be the most ingenuous tutorials, but they'll hopefully provide you with a little inspiration. This month's project is: 
Scarf Upcycle - Regular to Infinity (and beyond...I know it's cheesy but I had to say it)
March 24, 2014

Leather Coasters


DIY Leather Coaster

Mandi over at Vintage Revivals has ignited a leather obsession within many of her readers, and I for one am happy to further the trend. This tutorial is one of the simplest I've ever done, and can be taken in soooo many directions. I'm currently working on a brown leather southwestern patterned set as a gift, because, really, who doesn't love leather and need coasters? 
March 20, 2014

A Few Blog Design Tips & Tricks


Hello everyone! So today I want to take a moment to blog about...blogging. Over the last few weeks, I've spent a LOT of time learning about my template and how to change things. First lesson: HTML is freakin complicated. Second lesson: There's usually an easier way to do things. I've found simple solutions to some of my biggest questions, and decided to share them here with you in an effort to promote fabulous blogging.
March 17, 2014

West Elm Knock-off Jewelry Box


West Elm Knock-off Mosaic Triangles Jewelry Box

I fell in love with this mosaic patterned jewelry box from West Elm - the pattern, the colors…the whole thing is just awesome. My version cost about $11, which is definitely a much happier price than the original featured. Plus, you can customize the pattern with absolutely any color, making a fun and totally "you" one-of-a-kind piece. Happy crafting!
March 10, 2014

Glitter Terra Cotta Pots

Glitter Terra Cotta Pot

I've done posts using glitter in the past, including glitter phone chargers and even a glitter project round-up, but today it's time to take the sparkle to the great outdoors! err, well, at least as far as your windowsill. These glitter terra cotta pots are super duper easy and just as cute - they'd make great gifts and party favors...IF you can bear to part with them that is. Happy crafting!
March 6, 2014

The Liebster Award


I've been nominated for a Liebster award! While it may not come with a cool prize, it is a super fun opportunity to meet and network with other new-ish bloggers. I was nominated by  Slightly Hippie Housewife of Suburbia. Thanks Jen! In this post, I'll also share my nominations - they're great blogs that I love reading, and I hope you all will love them too! 

March 3, 2014

Vertical Succulent Planter

DIY Vertical Planter

A few weeks ago I shared a round-up of awesome succulent projects with the promise that I'd get to my own tutorials asap. I'm super excited to share the first - a vertical (hanging) planter! It's insanely easy to put together, and much faster than the many other tutorials that have you building your own frames and boxes. At the end I've included a photo guide to the succulents I used. Happy Crafting!
Confessions of a Secret Crafter © 2013.

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