April 30, 2014

Precious Stone Knob : Anthro Knock-off Week Day 4

April30, 2014
Anthropologie Precious Stone Knob

With so many of my readers completing their own room make over projects, I thought today's contribution to Anthro Knock-off Week could be a really fun piece of hardware. Now, I know that there's already at least one DIY version of this floating around the web,  but my process is little bit different, and allows you to decide exactly what shape you want you knob to be. Read on to get crafty, and at the end of this post you can find links to the four other blogs participating today. 
April 29, 2014

Strung Squares Planter : Anthro Knock-off Week Day 3

April29, 2014

My project today is this simple rustic hanging planter. I love that it's both suspended from the wall and composed of multiple pots. I stuck with the original four pot design, but don't be afraid to mix it up a little. At the end of my tutorial, you can find photos and links for our other 4 bloggers' projects. 
April 28, 2014

Copper Plated Serving Set : Anthro Knock-off Week Day 2

April28, 2014
DIY Copper Plated Serving Set

Today I'm taking Anthro Knock-off Week into the kitchen with these fun plated serving utensils. Who doesn't need a little sparkle and shine in their life? I know I do! 

As a side note, the last Monday of the month is usually supposed to be a post in the 5-minute Series. Since Anthro Week overlapped, it will resume next month!  
April 27, 2014

Rhino Crossbody Bag : Anthro Knock-Off Week Day 1

April27, 2014
Anthropologie Knock-off Rhino Crossbody Bag

I hope you all are ready for this... Anthro Knock-off Week has officially begun! As I explained in the announcement a few weeks ago, I've joined four other bloggers to bring you 30 anthropologie knock-off tutorials in just seven days. Crazy right?! At the end of this post you can find photo links to today's other four projects as well as a link to our Pinterest board. To make things even more exciting, we'll be having a themed link party on Saturday! Stay tuned for new daily posts, and be sure to check out our other lovely bloggers.

I don't know about you, but this rhino bag makes me want to go on safari. What's even more exciting is how simple the tutorial is. Happy Crafting!
April 11, 2014

6 Months of Blogging

April11, 2014
Today marks my sixth month of blogging, which is supremely exciting. Yay! Below I've compiled a list of some of my favorite moments as a new blogger, including some of my most popular posts, and what I hope to accomplish in the next six months. 

April 7, 2014

Abstract Cork Board

April7, 2014
 Cork Board Alternative

The on-campus apartment I was assigned my second year of college didn’t have a built in cork-board as per usual, and I was desperate to decorate my walls. My magical/beautiful/unicorn mother came up with this amazing solution, and I’ve used it ever since. It’s the perfect combination of abstract art and useful practicality, and can be dressed up – or down – any number of ways. Happy decorating!

Side note: Please forgive the horrible photography. I've been sick, okay? 
April 4, 2014

Anthro Knock-off Week is coming soon!

April4, 2014
Anthro Knock-Off Week - 5 Blogs, 7 Days, 30 posts

You. Guys. I have the announcement of the century. I can't even. 

I'm so so so excited to tell you all that I've teamed up with a group of super talented bloggers to bring you Anthropologie Knock-off Week. "What's that" you ask? Yeah, it's what you think it is. Every day during the last week of April, each blog will be bringing you a brand new Anthro Knock-off tutorial. "Say what? Like, everyday?" Yeah, every day. That's 5 daily   tutorials chalk full of awesome sauce and gleaming with creativity. Is that even possible? I'm not 100 percent, but based on the sneak peeks I've been seeing, I think yes. Get excited! We'll also have a pinterest board where you can see the inspiration with every final project all in one place, and on the very last day (Saturday) we'll be having a themed link party. 

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April 3, 2014

Link'n Blogs Party

April3, 2014
Today I'm guest hosting the Link'n Blogs Party! 

Welcome to Link'n Blogs {#19} !
A place to link up your projects and make new friends. We are all about visiting links and following new bloggers here at Link'n Blogs. Remember to leave comments and PIN PIN PIN!
Cause sharing is caring. 
Confessions of a Secret Crafter © 2013.

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